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《Start with why》第二章笔记
July 4, 2023
Manipulations Vs. Inspiration
There’s barely a product or service on the market today that customers can’t buy from someone else for about the same price, about the same quality, about the same level of service and about the same feature.市场竞争其实很激烈,任何一个产品都会有竞品,假如现在没有,很快也会出现,而且可能帮你做得更好,价格更便宜。所以你要理解为什么你的用户选择你而不是选择别人。 There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you cna inspire it.Manipulation并不是一个贬义的词,可能只是一种策略。比如类似拼duoduo砍一刀,又比如假如你支持我你就购买某个东西之类。
Many companyies are reluctant to play the price game, but they do so because they know it is effective.毫无疑问,价格战是最有效的方式,就像双11,618,黑五之类的,只要你折扣足够,什么东西都能快速卖掉。 Playing the price game, however, can come at tremendous cost and can create a significant dilemma for the company.也很好理解,价格战短期很有效,但是有点饮鸩止渴的感觉,对长期发展来说并不利,尤其是你要是经常降价卖,再想回到正常价格就会很难。所以这个挑战的点就在于如何持续盈利。
Promotions are such common manipulations that we often forget that we’re being manipulated in the first place.所谓promotions就相当于促销或者礼包。比如说买相机送内存卡,买tesla有补贴等等,当有同样质量和型号的产品出现的时候,我们肯定会选择有promotion的哪一款,也算是一种变相的操纵。 The manipulative nature of promotions is so well established in retail that the industry even named one of the principles. They call it breakage.这个是用来测量有多少pencentage的人其实最终没有能够享受到这个promotions而付了全款。这种情况就是比如我给你一个优惠券,你在下一个月买就可以享受10块钱折扣,但是很多时候大家都不会在下个月再继续买东西(你继续买了下个月还会给你一个,哈哈)— 哥伦比亚经常这么干。所以就会有人不用这个券。
Fear, real or perceived, is arguably the most powerful manipulation of the lot.作者举了个例子,说假如有人用香蕉放在袋子里面装着枪去抢劫银行,可能大家也会很害怕。而事实是这个东西根本没有威胁。这就是fear的例子。 A powerful manipulator, fear is often used with far less nefarious motivations.fear其实也蛮常见的,比如我们在小朋友的成长中经常恐吓他们,或者我们在安全座椅的广告中展示不用安全座椅的后果,有时效果会很好。
If fear moitivates us to mvoe away from somthing horrible, aspirational messages tempt us somthing desirable.fear是让人不要干什么,或者因为害怕坏的后果要干什么。aspiration则是鼓励我们去做一些好的事情。 Though positive in nature, aspirational messages are most effective with those who lack discipline or have a ngging fear or insecurity that they don’t have the ability to achieve their dreams on their own.作者觉得aspiration对那个自律能力不强的人可能更有吸引力,比如自律人不会被“做到这六步可以减肥”所吸引一样。而且aspiration可以一时激励到你,但很多时候并不能持久。
Peer pressure
The peer pressure works because we believe that the majority or the experts might know more than we do.有时当广告说已经有多少多少人用了我们的产品,这时就会有一个peer pressure让我们觉得这个产品应该很好,因为很多人都在用,我们这样认为并不是说我们觉得大多数人的选择一定是正确的,只是担心我们自己的选择是错误的而已。 Celebrity endorsements are sometimes used to add peer pressure to the sales pitch.这就是为什么很多产品会找明星代言,一方面是因为粉丝支持他们会购买,另一个方面我们会觉得明星都在用,肯定是好的,尤其是他们专业领域的东西,比如乔丹代言某个篮球鞋,大家肯定都会考虑是否去买一个。 If your friends put their head in the oven, would you do that too?作者妈妈的名言,哈哈。当你的朋友都把头放到烤箱里面,你也会这样做吗??
Novelty (a.k.a. Innovation)
Real innovation changes the course of industries or even society.真正的发明会改变这个industry或者社会,比如说电灯的发明,互联网的发明,智能手机的发明等等。而有些只能称之为Novelty,比如说我第一次是手机上使用金属外框等,可能会有短期的效应,但长期来看并不见得一定会从中持续收益。
The price you pay for the money you make
There is a big difference between repeat business an loyalty.重复business和忠诚是不一样的,前者就是购买多次,而后者则不管对手的质量,价格是否比你更优秀,也会无条件地支持你,甚至不会进行比较,所以相对来说就更难了。 Those that offer mail-in rebates know the incentive works and they know that the higher the rebate, the more effective it is.就是折扣越高越有效,这个道理大家都懂,所以如何控制这个折扣的阈值来保证你能够通过这个折扣获取足够的利益是一个值得讨论的话题。
Manipulations lead to transactions, not loyalty
Manipulations are a perfectly valid strategy for driving a transaciton, or for any behaviro that is only required once or on rare occasions, but not helpful in loyal, lasting relationship.总得来说manipulation对一次性的生意有帮助,比如你通过悬赏找到一只猫等等。他对“回头客“其实没有什么益处。
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